Edges and Bandwidth and Performance Measurement: What you need to know about...

Around 2 months ago when doing a Speedtest check of my links I experienced a substancial reduction of measured UPlink and DOWNlink speed.

As I only have a single link to the Internet using Cable Modem connectivity which is a shared linktype, after some retries I assumed the problem to be at the Service Provider and some congestion there. I contacted the Service Provider but he assured me, that this is not the case.

Then I found the real "culprit".

It was my VMware SD WAN Edge which drastically reduced the bandwidth sent out via the Overlay.

When checking the Edge I found out that the last measured Bandwidth was around 40/10 instead of 180/40 Mbps.  

I was quite unsure about that measured  bandwidth and found out that according to this VMware knowledge base article ...

... on wired links the bandwidth test is only done when there is a Link Up event or after 7 days.

So what seemed have happened was, that the last bandwidth measurement took place at a time, where due to some external reasons the resulting bandwidth was much lower than usual. After that until rerunning  a new bandwidth measurement by navigating to 

Test&Troubleshoot --> WAN Link Bandwidth Test 

the lower measured and store bandwidth limited the bandwidth used by the Edge to reach destinations via Overlay. 

Note: Even checking the Dynamic Bandwidth Adjustment will not help as it never adjusts to a higher value than the originally measured one

 Therefore whenever you are concerned about performance and want to monitor performance of your Edges you should also include the Measured Uplink and Downlink Bandwidth values

  • bpsOfBestPathTx
  • bpsOfBestPathRx

in your monitoring and rerun a bandwidth Test when the values are below 90% of the expected or highest measured values

The values typically can be gathered via RestAPI ('metrics/getEdgeLinkMetrics' or 'livedata´)

ubuntu@SDwan-Monitor:/$ vcoclient.py --vco="" edges_get_lm   --enterpriseid=1 --edgeid=1 --starttime="2022-01-26 12:00" --endtime="2022-01-26 12:30" --filters="bpsOfBestPath"

                       GE3        GE4
bpsOfBestPathRx   95518000  639905000
bpsOfBestPathTx  871032000  277411000

The above output uses a nice tool from Github  


For an automatic measurement and email alerting of remaining important link values like Delay, Jitter and Packet Loss in case of a degradation, you also find a nice solution on Github


 Here is an actual example of such email message:


Hope that will help you keep an eye on your SD-WAN Edge and Link performance.


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